Personal experiences people have with me

"I’ve had three coaching sessions with Kateřina Lubasová so far, and they really helped me to cope with those problems that I wasn’t able to figure out alone. It was almost incredibly easy to generate my own ideas in such a supportive environment that Kateřina creates during her sessions. I found that part (ACTION) to be most beneficial for me, because already the next day I took certain steps to resolve the problem. I’d have never figured that out on my own. Thanks to the 3 hours invested into coaching, my business has moved onto a completely different level. I recommend it for every businessman who is aiming at their personal growth."

Marek Kubánek

How does the entrepreneur Tereza Freya perceive the coaching sessions?

Freya Šikolová


"When I started my maternity leave, I was thinking how to make sure that I won’t have to get back to my job afterwards. I’d always been a keen photographer, and so I started to do this professionally. When our baby was born, I really made great efforts to harmonize my time between the family, our child and work, but whatever I tried, I couldn’t break that vicious circle. I was with our daughter most of the time and then I was working hard when she was asleep, which proved to be really exhausting. I wasn’t able to do much, which brought nothing good either to my family or to my work. I’d been thinking long about finding myself a personal coach. I really needed to get help with bringing this all together. My path led me to Katka. At the beginning, I wasn’t sure how personal coaching works and what my goal should be. Katka really is an amazing coach and so even right after the first session, I got a fountain of ideas and I started to change things and set up priorities, and I could see more clearly what path I should take. Katka guided me there perfectly and we connected on an unprecedented level. I really like how any objective, any step or any situation requires me to assign an emotion or a feeling to each of them. This method really opened my eyes, and I’ve experienced many wow moments. I never dived so deep before, and that’s why all my goals either failed or were incomplete. I finally managed to get out of the chaos, fear and uncertainty to the path of joy, harmony and peace. Katka led me successfully out from this, and so I really recommend her to people who got lost and who don’t know where to go next; for those who are unable to achieve their goals or fulfill their dreams, because their efforts always fail and they can’t find their bearings either in business or private sphere. Thank you, Katka."

Alžbeta Mészárosová M.A.
Parental leave /Photographer

"I used to be a little skeptical about coaching. The main reason was that I couldn't imagine what to expect from it. After a few sessions with Katka, I got my answer and I also got an idea of how a coaching session helps in my further personal development. Katka is a great, empathetic coach who has always helped me gain insight, and with her guidance I have solved most of the "problems" myself, and due to this reason I appreciate her even more. "

Jakub Lazna, Scrum Master at Alza.cz a.s.

"How should I put this review into words? You must speak with Katka by yourself to understand it. She is very human and she can feel your deep emotions and help you to understand yourself. Help you to build your confidence. To help you understand your deep why. Why you are working on this particular project. She is organized and she is creating a good atmosphere in a team. Mainly in remote teams where the human factor is mostly missing."

Dominik Šelmeci
Freelancer/Web developer

"I’m really glad that I decided to try coaching sessions. They helped me to focus on my current personal issues with persistence, understanding and open mind. Thanks to that, I realized what precisely I want and need, I set up clear goals and I found my own functional means to achieve partial objectives in a relatively short time and in my own natural way. I became more perceptive to the relations between individual aspects of my life. The approach of understanding without judging, taking a detached view and finding constructive solutions that I normally provide for others, I can now better use for myself as well. Katka’s methodology is subtle, but functions on more levels that I managed to knowingly notice 🙂 A lot of findings and realizations rise to the surface even after the sessions. Last but not least, I’d like to thank you for the perceptive and supportive approach, which helped me to face my serious topics even with some ease."

"Káťa, thank you. The time spent with coaching was like a wellness retreat for me. Many of my friends reach out to me when they need advice, help, a sympathetic ear, objective opinion or orientation in their situation. I’m still learning how to work with this so that it’s not at my own expense, and it was really great that thanks to you I could experience this on such a profi level from the other side. I felt very safe at the same time; my frankness is based on confidence in understanding and sympathy, which was absolutely not a problem in this case. What you are doing is just great, and I wish that it brings you joy, fulfilment and abundance."

Mgr. Andrea Koláčková

"I sought Katka back in the times when I needed to look at my life more from a bird’s view and find my bearings. I also wanted to try the new coaching approach that Katka practices. I highly value Katka’s professionalism. I supervise therapists in psychotherapeutic trainings where we quite often deal with topics related to one’s boundaries and their crossing. That’s why I really appreciate that Katka moved within the coaching framework during our sessions and didn’t cross into counselling or therapy (which some do). Her feedback, the basis of her approach, brought a lot of wow moments to me. She naturally adapted the progress of the session to my needs, which improved my insights even more. If you’re thinking about trying a coach, I heartily recommend Katka, because in her kind approach you will experience a lot of safety and understanding."

Zdenka Némethová, Psychologist, mentor and supervisor / manzelskaporadna.com
Fotografie Veroniky Sequensové

"If you need to clarify the answers to specific questions, be sure in different areas of your life, and you don't want to spend a lot of time by researching why your life or relationships now look the way they do and what all of your history has to do with it, but at the same time you want to make a step forward, here and now. For me - a therapist with four years of training and many years of psychotherapy in a row - coaching is a very refreshing way to develop my potential. It helps me focus on specific goals and supports me with tasks I have decided to do.

Katka is your guide in this process, she supports you, gives you enough space, but at the same time maintains the structure of the session and returns you to the "core of the matter" if you get too far away. She also leads you to be whole when working on yourself - to be not only "in the head", but also in the body, confronted with your feelings. She makes you ask questions like “What will the changes you plan bring you? How will you feel when you achieve what you want?” I personally consider the connection of this approach with the focus and structure of coaching to be the greatest benefit of our joint sessions. I truly recommend her services! "

Mgr. Veronika Sequensova
terapist and lecturer, www.artual.cz

"In my life I’ve dealt many times with such moments when I was mad about how inconsistent I was, that I wasn’t able to hold my ground, let alone be self-confident. Recently I’ve had the opportunity to take coaching lessons with Katka Lubasová and I decided to try it. I hadn’t tried coaching before, and that’s why I didn’t have any expectations, I was just curious. I had a session with Katka over the phone (I was surprised that it actually can be done) and I must admit it felt nice, because I was more frank than if we had met in person. Katka sounds very nice on the phone, and she has a pleasant voice that encourages people to openly discuss their issues with her. The coaching helped me to set my goals, categorize them and start dealing with them step by step. What also helped me very much was that we wrote down everything that was discussed during the coaching, because I feel that I’m more motivated to complete the given tasks and plans when I see them written somewhere. It’s also great that Katka keeps asking you questions. Whatever you didn’t realize or wasn’t sure about before, you will soon discover yourself under her guidance. I think that coaching is a great thing and people who are unsure about something, who don’t know what next steps to take, or who just need a little push (in whatever situation in their lives) should definitely try coaching. And Katka, as a coach and a guide, is definitely the right person."

Gabriela Sopková, Customer Support / IT company, Avast

"By her own temperament, Kačka is a very empathic and perceptive person. Her ability to identify with and understand others helps her in her coaching job, for which she has decided and which she continuously improves. Although my sessions with her were demanding, their result came soon – after five sessions I took up a new job, that makes me happy. Therefore I recommend such sessions to people who need to move forward in their lives, even at the cost of stepping outside their comfort zones."

Veronika Schiebertová
The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic/Government Councillor

"I’m very glad that I’ve decided on personal coaching. Katka opened my eyes wide with her questions and helped me to realize that I need to take care of myself first, before I can do the same for others. I was so busy caring for others before, that I kept forgetting about myself. Katka has a very professional and friendly approach, and I recommend her to everyone."

Bc. Michaela Kudláčková
Senior Key Account Manager

"I didn’t have any experience with coaching, but I especially liked the structure of Katka’s sessions and how she created space for sharing our thoughts. It was the time only for me, for my thoughts and plans and the opportunity to realize what areas of my life I would like to work on and what action steps I need to take. I can definitely recommend Katka, she is sensitive, does not interfere and leaves space for yourself; but on the other hand she can ask the right question when it’s needed."

Daniela Nová

"Coaching has brought a new positive and unique experience for me, which was beneficial for my personal development. The organization, guidance and sessions themselves were on a top level. Katka was very professional and emphatic, and she explained everything to me. We discussed individual steps and I could gradually find answers to my questions, also including some wow moments. We focused on the issues of family and work, because everything is interconnected and can also be applied to other areas of life. Together we drafted the strategy and goals, which I remind myself of every day. I’m also able to evaluate their fulfilment. I recommend Katerina to everyone who wants to work on themselves and wants to change, or who needs to realize where exactly they are now standing and what their life goals are. Once again thanks a lot and I wish you a lot of success."

Mgr. Jaroslava Poláková
HR Specialist / Dukovany Nuclear Power Station / ČEZ Group

"I hadn’t tried coaching before, and so I didn’t know what to expect. Basically I expected that I would have a good chat with someone who was not aware of my problems. Surprisingly enough, those several sessions opened my eyes and I began to see the given problem from a different perspective. I’ve found the solution, and I only need to put it into practice now. Thank you."

 Mgr. Gabriela Remšiková

"I’ve been working with Katka Lubasová for several months and I’m very satisfied with her work. I appreciate her human and friendly approach, and at the same time also her professionalism which she brings to our sessions. I have unique time for myself during coaching, and I work on my development both on a professional and on a private level. Every session deals with a specific topic and Katka uses her coaching skills to guide me to the questions and feelings that I didn’t realize at the beginning of our session. That’s why I feel that my cooperation with Katka was of great benefit for me, which helped me move forward."

Milada Zemanová

"I actually wasn’t coping with any “big problem” before the coaching itself. I just wanted to have a talk with someone and maybe uncover a hidden shadow to be addressed, so that it won’t catch me off guard sometime in the future. Coaching itself is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself – by figuring it out yourself. The coach is a guide who provides support on your path and offers a different point of view. Already during the first session with Katka we discovered several areas worth focusing on. Katka guided me with subtle questions and I was uncovering what I wasn’t aware of in my common life or what I didn’t want to admit. I think that among the greatest benefits of Katka’s sessions are the clearly defined goals to be achieved through coaching, lining up the strategy to reach them, and, most importantly, setting up the action to bring you there."

Ing. Arch. Julie Rawding
Interior Designer – Julie Rawding Interiors

"Káťa, thanks. Many many thanks for the wonderful sessions, during which I could fully relax and submit myself to the process through which you guided me so subtly. I learnt a lot of important information about myself, which we could immediately use and transform into something that would move me forward from the place that I’d been holding on for so long. You showed me the way, and I’m slowly, step by step, beginning to take it. With new knowledge, energy and self-confidence. You are the right person in the right place. Thank you."

Lenka Kadaňková

"I had never experienced coaching before and it was an interesting experience for me. Katka helped me to clarify my priorities and guided me to set my goals and create my own way to reach them. She helped me in a completely unique and untraditional way to realize what I really wanted and pointed me to the right steps to change my job. Katka is a positive person who clearly enjoys coaching. Sessions with Katka are very nice, motivational and heartily recommended for everyone."

Milada Horáčková
XLMX spol. s.r.o./Seller

"Coaching with Kateřina was meaningful time spent on working towards the set goal. The patient and helpful Katerina guided me naturally to find the goals and strategy, to realize the emotional side and to discover connections that don’t go together at first sight. I learned how to get rid of the burden that stood in my way in the given moment, and how to ease myself and fully focus on reaching my goal. If you’re looking for a coach with a professional attitude, don’t hesitate to contact Kateřina."

Ing. Ivana Svitáková
Communication Coach

"Coaching with Katka was very nice and helped me to sort out my thoughts and realize what is important for me and what needs to be solved in order to move forward. Katka guided me nicely to define my goals, and already after the first session I knew what to change and what to do in order to set the changes in motion. Thank you!"

Lucia Richtarechová
Senior Consultant in Ernst & Young
Blogger, www.luciarich.cz

"It was nice to look at different areas of my life from a slightly different perspective. Katka is a nice and empathic coach. I had a feeling that whatever I said, it's okay :)"

Ivana Janková

"Even though I’m interested in personal development, coaching was a new experience for me. I’m more or less a self-learner who does it her way; whatever happens, happens. I’m not a fatalist, and I sometimes intentionally choose something that might bring me forward. This was also the case with an offer of coaching sessions with K. Lubasová, which caught my attention on social networks… And although sometimes I was feeling out of this world, I’m very glad that Katka could enrich my horizons and my inner world. And although I still have a lot of work to do, I’m sending a big THANK YOU and I wish a lot of satisfied clients for Kateřina… Best regards, G. Červeňáková."

Mgr. Gabriela Červeňáková

"I already had some previous experience with coaching. However, with Katka I realized that coaching can also be used for relationships between partners. I like Katka’s personal, empathic approach based on emotional immersion. Thanks to Katka’s sessions I’ve moved forward in the area that had been unsolvable for me for a long time, and I recommend coaching to everyone who is standing in one place and does not know how to move forward."

Andrea Matějková, HR Officer

"I’d always been tempted to try personal coaching, but I never knew what to expect. The result surpassed all my expectations! Katka helped me to untangle a few of my inner conflicts that were slowing me down, and to realize my own direction and my nature. I felt the difference already after the first session and, looking back at it, the cooperation with Katka was the best thing that I could’ve done for my personal development!"

Anna Škvařilová