I perceive both your rational thinking and emotional experience. I support their connection so that you can experience your consciousness and feeling of fulfilment already during coaching.

You will find TIME FOR YOURSELF and YOUR BUSINESS with me.

Do you have a feeling that everything is important? "ToDoList" takes most of your time but you feel that you would also use some time to relax? Don't you feel inner fulfillment? Or do you feel great and ready to go even more deep and start building new in your work or personal life?

I have no advice or instructions for you but I believe in you enough to support you in developing your own potential.

Thanks to the guided coaching session you will find out and manifest everything you need on your own journey. Any ideas you create will come from you and that is why they will work. They will be real.


Brainbased coaching and focus on emotions

Coaching sessions take place in person, online or over the phone. The coaching conversation is spontaneous, I listen, ask key questions and you find your own answers.  I use the structure from neuroscience.

The first coaching session is worth 40 EUR. Follow-up coaching sessions are from 110 EUR.


Personal experiences people have with me

How did the coaching session affect experienced lecturer and therapist Veronika Sequensova?

Fotografie Veroniky Sequensové

"If you need to clarify the answers to specific questions, be sure in different areas of your life, and you don't want to spend a lot of time by researching why your life or relationships now look the way they do and what all of your history has to do with it, but at the same time you want to make a step forward, here and now. For me - a therapist with four years of training and many years of psychotherapy in a row - coaching is a very refreshing way to develop my potential. It helps me focus on specific goals and supports me with tasks I have decided to do.

Katka is your guide in this process, she supports you, gives you enough space, but at the same time maintains the structure of the session and returns you to the "core of the matter" if you get too far away. She also leads you to be whole when working on yourself - to be not only "in the head", but also in the body, confronted with your feelings. She makes you ask questions like “What will the changes you plan bring you? How will you feel when you achieve what you want?” I personally consider the connection of this approach with the focus and structure of coaching to be the greatest benefit of our joint sessions. I truly recommend her services! "

Mgr. Veronika Sequensova
terapist and lecturer, www.artual.cz

Tereza Freya

Entrepreneur, www.jogabezbolesti.cz
What has experience Scrum Master, Jakub Lazna, told about coaching sessions?

"I used to be a little skeptical about coaching. The main reason was that I couldn't imagine what to expect from it. After a few sessions with Katka, I got my answer and I also got an idea of how a coaching session helps in my further personal development. Katka is a great, empathetic coach who has always helped me gain insight, and with her guidance I have solved most of the "problems" myself, and due to this reason I appreciate her even more. "

Jakub Lazna, Scrum Master at Alza.cz a.s.
"I’ve had three coaching sessions with Kateřina Lubasová so far, and they really helped me to cope with those problems that I wasn’t able to figure out alone. It was almost incredibly easy to generate my own ideas in such a supportive environment that Kateřina creates during her sessions. I found that part (ACTION) to be most beneficial for me, because already the next day I took certain steps to resolve the problem. I’d have never figured that out on my own. Thanks to the 3 hours invested into coaching, my business has moved onto a completely different level. I recommend it for every businessman who is aiming at their personal growth."
Fotografie Marka Kubánka
Marek Kubánekwww.marekkubanek.cz
"I’ve been working with Katka Lubasová for several months and I’m very satisfied with her work. I appreciate her human and friendly approach, and at the same time also her professionalism which she brings to our sessions. I have unique time for myself during coaching, and I work on my development both on a professional and on a private level. Every session deals with a specific topic and Katka uses her coaching skills to guide me to the questions and feelings that I didn’t realize at the beginning of our session. That’s why I feel that my cooperation with Katka was of great benefit for me, which helped me move forward."
Milada Zemanováwww.miladazemanova.cz
"I’d always been tempted to try personal coaching, but I never knew what to expect. The result surpassed all my expectations! Katka helped me to untangle a few of my inner conflicts that were slowing me down, and to realize my own direction and my nature. I felt the difference already after the first session and, looking back at it, the cooperation with Katka was the best thing that I could’ve done for my personal development!"
Anna Škvařilováwww.wetraveltheworld.cz
"I already had some previous experience with coaching. However, with Katka I realized that coaching can also be used for relationships between partners. I like Katka’s personal, empathic approach based on emotional immersion. Thanks to Katka’s sessions I’ve moved forward in the area that had been unsolvable for me for a long time, and I recommend coaching to everyone who is standing in one place and does not know how to move forward."
Andrea MatějkováHR Officer

Self-development game

Ventilator, don't hold it inside

The Ventilator game is developmental and has no winners. The game includes a variety of questions and tasks that get you in touch with your emotions and show you how to vent them. The game is designed for couples, but you can also play as an individual or group. 60 cards with questions and tasks, plus a blank template in the print version for creating your own questions and tasks.

More information–>


Take time for yourself and get inspired...

What are emotions, and how to work with them

The word "emotion" means "to shake strongly" and people...


Who will accompany you through the coaching session

I understand that a coach's personality and expertise can also play a role in your development. So let me briefly introduce myself.

My name is Kateřina Lubasová, I am a personal coach with certification. I have experience with people from several fields and currently I am most concerned with the development of human potential through coaching.

I use the method of brainbased coaching and emotional experience. However, you as a client are always more important than any method, so I adapt the session to your needs. I believe that the greatest expert on himself is each of us.

I have been certified by Master Coach Vladimír Tuka at the Neuroleadership and I am currently attending training with mentor Václav Szakál at Results & Emotions, both schools are accredited by the International Coaching Federation, ICF. In the fall of this year, I would like to deepen my knowledge at Carl Rogers' self-experience training (Rogers psychotherapy).

I perceive personal development as a lifelong affair, so I regularly attend coaching and psychotherapy sessions myself.

Personally, I perceive the combination of coaching and psychotherapy as a very suitable combination.

Osobní kouč Kateřina Lubasová - fotografie


I will be glad to meet you online, in person or over the phone

+420 775 961 123